

It is time to reaffirm our faith in humanity.

We are currently reliving and witnessing the horrific atrocities of our history books...

Since the early morning of February 24, we've been asking ourselves, is this all really happening?
Since the early morning of February 24, we have been asking ourselves how is this possible
Since the early morning of February 24, we have read the news, feared, hoped, cried, talked to our loved ones, talked to those we didn’t even know a week ago.

We have held our breath, prayed, gathered for demonstrations, made donations, helped as best we can... running in circles, getting back to the question of: How can this be?

Since the early morning of February 24, we have felt more connected than ever before.

This morning and the weeks that have followed, have reminded us that what unites us is greater than what divides us.

We invite you all to make this oneness, this unity visible and audible all over the world!

On the 26th of March Nobel Peace Prize recipient, leader of the solidarity movement of the 80s and former polish president Lech Walesa will address the people of the world prior to a worldpremiere of the Piece for Solidarity. Kristjan Järvi with the Baltic Sea Philharmonic will perform the premiere of ‘Child of The Nigh8ngale’, a Solidarity Anthem, written for the perseverance of the people of Ukraine, by Kristjan Järvi and Ukrainian artist Ruslan Torchinsky Svjata Vatra, being livestreamed (www.gdanks.pl) from the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk.

The streaming benefits and possible future sync income of the piece will be donated to “Save The Children”, who provide badly needed help for children from the Ukraine.

The history of the world is the history of revolutions and counter-revolutions. It is time for all of us who believe in freedom to come together and reaffirm our faith in humanity. This unjustified war is being fought on Ukrainian soil, but takes place in the souls, minds and hearts of all of us. This war affects us all because the future of humanity is at stake. Not only in Ukraine, but everywhere where people have to fear for their lives and homes.

While there are those who say that fire must be fought with fire, we believe that the movement of solidarity is far more powerful than any weapon that has ever been produced. Inspired by Solidarnost 1980 and the Baltic Chain 1989, both events that peacefully overcame tyranny and brought down the iron curtain, we create a new movement where the power of people that come together for a common goal manifests itself through music and takes place in our neighbourhoods as well as in our digital world. Let "Child of the Nightingale" be your inspiration.

#MusiChainForUkraine #BalticChain #Solidarnost #MusiChain

The concert will be held under the patronage of the German Consulate General in Gdańsk the City of Gdańsk and in collaboration with the Polish Red Cross.

Donations are being collected to support the more than two million Ukrainian war refugees in Poland.

Using the reference ‘Gdansk Freedom Concert’, donations can be made via the bank account number PL16 1160 2202 0000 0002 7718 3060